North Coast Big Brothers Big SistersMatching youth with healthy relationships with peers, adults and the community through our mentoring programs. Eureka.
Humboldt County Friday Night LiveThe programs build partnerships for positive and healthy youth development which engage youth as active leaders and resources in their community.
North Coast ParentsA not-for-profit group that offers caregivers and young children safe, fun, low-cost activities including gymnastics and Discovery Museum days.
The Studio SchoolArt school for youth ages 5 to 17. Studio classes offered in the HSU Art Dept in Arcata and Morris Graves Museum of Art in Eureka.
Redwood EcologyAn interactive tour of the flora and fauna of a redwood forest.
Humboldt HookupFree Web bulletin board where you can find used textbooks, rentals, roommates, and rides.
Kid's Online ResourcesProviding links to homeschooling, education, entertainment, outreach, and Internet Saftey.
Trish ScottIntuitive Animal & Nature Communication; Wellness Coaching & Energy Healing